Hey Nicole I started thinking about how you said Sheldon was allergic to most fabric softeners and went on a search for ways to make febreeze without using fabric softener! For those truly worried about the chemical properties of fabric softener you might enjoy this version better.
Frugal Febreeze Alternative #2
8 drops lavender oil
4 drops each bergamot and clove oil
2 drops oil of peppermint
½ cup vodka
½ cup distilled water
-Mix and shake well in spray bottle.
I got the recipe from The Conscious Shopper courtesy of the majestic machine known as Yahoo! search. Oh…I can feel the chill of your stare. You’re a Google person huh? I’ve noticed that people who use Google tend to scoff at other search machines. It’s not that I’m knocking the ever popular Google but during my precious, tender preteen years when my fingers first learned how to fly over the keyboard I defaulted to Yahoo. It’s a simple matter of loyalty -chest thump-
But back to the topic! I’ve never used oils before so seeing things like ‘bergamot’ and ‘clove oil’ is pure jibber jabber to me and so I’m much more likely to just stick with the fabric softener. Plus it lists vodka which brings back the memory (or lack thereof) of my worst New Years Eve ever and I know I can never touch a bottle of that again lest I get a phantom hangover via osmosis. Also I’m likely to try and sneak tap water in place of distilled water…
I digress. Not a recipe for me. But if Seth broke out into hives every time I squirted fabric softener on the couch I’d probably do it. Probably.
Depends on whether or not he’d irked me recently.
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