Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Homemade Ranch Dressing

I am one of those freaks that puts ranch on everything. I normally wouldn’t be so quick to whip out the label ‘freak’…but when you hunch possessively over your McDonald’s ranch packet while dunking both fries and McNuggets (or pouring it on your McChicken sandwich if it’s a Dollar Menu kind of day) no other word really matches.

But even though I recognized that I use the heck out of liquid ranch I have recently obtained a lot of recipes that require the dry packet. I didn’t really realize how often I was buying them until I was scanning over old receipts: around 4-5 a month at times. And that can get pretty expensive! Not to mention liquid ranch isn’t that easy on the wallet either. So here’s a remedy!

Homemade Ranch Dressing Mix


  • 2 Tbsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp dried dill
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp dried basil
  • 1/2 tsp pepper


  • Add each of the dried spices to a lidded container and shake well to mix.
  • Store in a resealable plastic baggie or small container with a tight fitting lid.
  • To make the ranch dressing, whisk together 1/3 cup mayonnaise with 1/4 cup milk (more or less depending on the consistency you want) with 1 Tbsp of the homemade ranch dressing seasoning mix.  Season with salt, to taste. Use immediately and can refrigerate for up to 3 days.
  • Makes about 4 Tbsp worth of mix. Or use the ratios above and mix up however much you’ll need!
For a healthier alternative you may substitute either greek yogurt or sour cream in place of mayonnaise!

Easy yeah? I’m not really great at herb gardens but I bet the ranch would have a wonderful flavor using herbs from your own home!

Frugal Febreeze

I’ve always been a dog person but I’ll be the first to admit that no matter how clean you keep them (and mine are admittedly not bathed regularly) they carry a certain smell. The kind of smell that permeates even the cleanest household. I can walk into a house without knowing anything about it and immediately determine whether or not they have pets. It’s not necessarily a bad smell…but it is distinct!

I don’t like ‘distinct smells’ in my house.

I have heavily invested in candles, air wicks, febreeze, febreeze knock offs, fabric softener sheets, those candle chunks you melt on a hot plate, scented oils, and those little wooden stick things you put in a vase filled with oil. My house smells pretty good. But it is an expensive, and often space consuming, past time. Febreeze is my favorite…especially after I vacuum (holy crap spell check just had a seizure when I tried to correctly spell that).

But febreeze, despite its wonderful scent, is friggin expensive. I last paid $5.95 for a bottle. Seems like a pretty good deal until you calculate that you might go through 2 bottles a week – not to mention if you have pets during a ‘rainy season’ – so you’re looking at forking over around $12 a month…PLUS whatever you spend on candles and whatnot. Us women love candles ß Take note, Seth!

So let’s add that up:
2 bottles of febreeze/month @ $5.95 = $11.90
For one year = $142.80


So I surfed around on the net and found some interesting referrals to homemade Febreeze. As far as I can tell the original creator is lost in the Internet machine…I traced it back to Homemade Mamas. I don’t like giving her credit because she lists specifically that she got it from somewhere else…but I got it from her so I’m giving that much credit to her!

Fake Febreeze
2 cups warm water
¼ cup fabric softener (your favorite scent/any brand)
1 tsp. baking soda
- Mix all ingredients into a spray bottle and shake well. Spray on any surface.
- Shake well before each use
Makes 14 fluid ounces!

The average febreeze bottle is 27 fl. Oz (I think at least) so you need to roughly make 2 batches to equal out a single febreeze bottle. I only made one batch, sprayed it all over my house, and barely used half an ounce so I’m just sticking to one batch at a time. But let’s do the math on that! We’ll use what I bought.

1 (4 lb.) box Baking Soda - $2.12
1 (44 fl. Oz) Purex Ultra Fabric Softener, Lavender - $2.98
1 (24 fl Oz.) spray bottle - $1.00
Water – Depends on my monthly usage =D
Total: $6.11 for starter supplies

Divided into batches possible
[96 tsp. in 4 lbs. x 4] 384 tsp. of Baking Soda
[2 fl. Oz. in ¼ cup] 22 ¼ cups of Fabric Softener
Unlimited free use in spray bottle
Unlimited free use in water
= At least 22 batches of fake febreeze
Compared @ $5.95 for febreeze it costs $0.27 per batch

2 bottles of febreeze/month @ $5.95 = $11.90
For one year = $142.80
2 bottles of fake febreeze/month @ $0.27 = $0.54
For one year = $6.48

Total monthly savings: $11.36
Total yearly savings: $136.32

WOW huh?!

I have read over concerns comments from other blogs where people are raising the red flag on fabric softener containing a link to pancreatic cancer and other maladies. While I appreciate their concern I justify it by saying I use this stuff on my clothes anyway…and I am in no way saturating surfaces or spraying it directly on people/pets. However! I have heard rumors that you can make your own homemade fabric softener!

Homemade Fabric Softener
2 cups of hair conditioner
4 cups of white vinegar
6 cups water
-Mix and use!

I hadn’t discovered this recipe until after my grocery trip…so it’ll have to wait for me! Until then I’m going to keep happily spraying my pancreatic cancer on the carpet. Btw I sprayed it about 1.5 hours ago and the place still smells fresh. And I texted the tip to my Mom and she made it within 5 minutes of receiving it…and gave it a glowing review =D

So keep your head up high, pet lovers! Keep that ‘distinct smell’ at bay another day!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Evolution of a Pantry: Spackle Interlude

Well I hope the Diet Coke Brownies turned out delicious for everyone! We’ve had our first batch at the Johnson house for a little over 24 hours now and we have just under half a pan left >_>;; I call that a success! Although…I’m pretty sure the health benefits of it are all for naught after you devour 3 of them vs. 1 of the original. I might be wrong though…so I suppose one more brownie won’t hurt.

I kid. I’m too health conscious to eat 4 brownies. 3 is my limit. I filled the rest of my day with sour jolly ranchers (Except cherry…screw cherry!), some Little Caesars, and an orange. WHOA LOOK OUT WEIGHT WATCHERS THERE’S A NEW DIET GURU IN TOWN. Seriously it’s not always like that here. But I’m a firm believer in the occasional “eff it” day where anything goes (and if it’s edible it’s probably going to go in my mouth).

Anyway I said I was going to hone in on the details of my spackling adventure. Recap: Previous owner of the home was apparently a lunatic and sheet rocked his home…then decided he didn’t want to paint so he paneled over it. Only 2 rooms were spared from this foolishness: Abigail’s room and the laundry room.

When we first bought the house it was hard to overlook the darkness of it. Verticle strips may be rumored to make a woman look tall and slim but they do nothing for a house. Especially if it’s paneling in its raw form. Example(s):

Paint has done temporary wonders for the house but simply painting over the panels is not the end to my compulsive madness. I want the paneling gone. Period. But that can be quite a burden on the budget. I’m certain if we concentrated all our DIY funds to the walls we could have them replaced within a few months. But then what of the 50 other projects I want to start?

…so you see my problem.

When we build the pantry I decided to perform a small experiment. I wanted to see if I could take regular paneling and make it look more “sheet rocky”. So here’s how that went.

Step 1) Purchase spackle of your choosing. I found my brand at Lowes at $5.48 for a 3 pound tub. I didn’t even use a quarter of it…this stuff goes a long way. An additional supply to consider is a cheap plastic spatula. I’ve admittedly used my fingers to spread the spackle around (it has a very curious texture) but it’s just easier to use the spatula.

Step 2) Spread your spackle into the grooves and joints of your paneling as though you were filling in any ordinary nail hole. I found great success in applying the spackle like I did for the tile grout. Take a large glob of spackle, drag it down a single groove with the spatula, and then drag the spatula horizontally across the spackled groove to smooth.

Step 3) Allow spackle to dry according to manufacturer’s directions. Then – and stay with me here- repeat step 2. WAIT WHAT?! Yes. I only did a single layer on one wall vs. two layers on another and there was a noticeable difference in the edges showing up. So just suck it up and go at it again. It’s better to do this now than go through your sanding, painting, and drying only to still be able to see the lines. You can go for three if you want

Step 4) Allow the spackle to dry at least 12 hours. I know most advertise ‘fast drying’ but trust me…it’s so much easier to sand if the stuff is dry. And I tell you this as someone who got too impatient and tried to speed things up >_>;; And then had to start all over.    

Step 5) Sanding. WARNING: Do this only if you can have adequate ventilation (open windows, fans, etc.) and are using a safety mask. The one I used is this model from Lowes. The spackle makes a huge, dusty mess! It’s unbelievable! I used an orbital powered sander (partially for speed and partially because I’m lazy) but you can easily sand it by hand. And if it makes a difference I use 120 grit sandpaper (it’ll be labeled on the package when you buy it).  Just sand it to the point where the bumpiness of the spackle is taken care of and when you run your fingers along it you can’t tell the different between the edge of the spackle and the paneling.

Step 6) Dust and paint. Be sure to take an extra rag (I used a simple, dry paper towel) to brush away the spackle dust. Then paint! And marvel at your work!  

The overall look
Spackled vs. Non Spackled

Pan out view of one side
Up close and personal!

So that’s how I took my ambition and set it into action. I’m very pleased with how it turned out! But to be fair there are pros and cons…and here they are.

ProsTurns any grooved surface such as paneling into a smooth surface like sheet rock.
Does not require any knowledge of power tools.
Is not time sensitive (you won’t screw it up by spackling part way and then stopping to do something else before finishing).
Budget friendly.

ConsDusty. Very messy. Requires ventilation safety.
Time consuming if your must cover large areas (due to the repeating of steps.

Not very many cons but I can’t stress to you the amount of dust this project will kick up. I managed to get it done while Abigail was in a Blue’s Clues trance (and my project happened to be located next to an outside door that I kept open) but it would make me very nervous to have children in the same room this was being done in.

The pantry is going great and tomorrow is pay day so I can’t wait to start finishing up the projects we’ve started since the beginning of January! Mainly the kitchen floor and Abigail’s closet. We’ve gotten a lot done on her room (including a custom closet that I designed myself) and I can’t wait to start revealing it! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend…until next time!    

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Diet Coke Brownies ---> Success!

Hello again! I’ll be adding more on my pantry soon but I wanted to add in a quick short for a recipe that I just tried out earlier. It’s been circulating around on pintrest for weeks now but I never really bought into it…even though it’s supposedly the “secret” to Weight Watcher brownies. But I’ve had a box of brownie mix sitting in my cabinet for a while now and I rediscovered them while I was rearranging for my pantry. I’ve avoided making them because:

1) I adore raw batter (“Salmonella my ass…I’m eating the batter!”)
2) I can’t seem to put on the brakes once I eat a brownie. 1 turns into 2…and so on.

Anyway! I’ve been trying to track down the original “pin” where this recipe was found even though that person isn’t the creator either (that credit reportedly goes to Weight Watchers). You can find the original pinned site right here.

I’ll give you my blow by blow including pictures of exactly what I used:

- 1 box dry brownie mix
- 12 fl. Oz. Diet Coke

My batter: Betty Crocker’s Milk Chocolate Brownie Mix (you can use any)

I used Sam’s Choice Diet Coke (though you may use Coca Cola Diet Coke or any other discount brand of “diet coke” you choose).

(My pan was a 9 x 13 dark metallic pan)

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease your pan
- Combine Diet Coke and brownie mix in bowl. You may have to pour the Diet Coke gradually into the mix because it fizzes quite a bit! A few stirs and the foamy texture will disappear. You will be left with a very liquidy batter!
- Pour batter into pan and cook according to time directed on box. I added 4 minutes to the maximum suggested time (for my pan size it said 22-25 minutes so I went with 25 + 4 = 29 minutes).
- Enjoy!

Seriously can’t get much easier than that eh? It passed both the husband AND the toddler test. Most important it passed my test =D No eggs, water, milk, vegetable oil, ect. Just Diet Coke and brownie mix. Slash out a lot of calories and fat grams while you’re at it! Now I'm off to eat my 2nd brownie of the day...because I can!

Until next time <3

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Evolution of a Pantry: Part 1

**Program Interuption**
Does anyone else feel like they're going to have a stroke when that "Small Potatoes" segment comes on during the Disney Junior faux commercial break? They're these little potato things with a British accent (which aggitates me because when someone wants an intelligent character they always default to the British who in my opinion can be as stupid as us 'lowly' Americans) that sing and blather about random things. But that's not what bugs me most. They. Constantly. Pause. It's enough to put me into ungodly rage. Look them up on youtube if you've never heard them. Then join me in my hatred of singing potatoes xD
**End Program Interuption**

Sorry about the complete lack of updates so soon after I began my blog! I’ve been distracted with other things (namely putting too much on my crafting plate). Seth’s work schedule is so randomized that Abigail’s care is entirely in my hands most days and she often doesn’t appreciate it when I sit down in front of the computer to write. I’d say nap time is the perfect time to get stuff done…but my little bundle of joy doesn’t nap >_>;; She sleeps fantastic during the night though so I’ve given up on naps and just feel grateful for what I’m given.

Anyway! Many projects have been underway at the Johnson house this month! This pay period is one of those dreaded “long breaks” where we have to go over 2 weeks between paychecks instead of just the standard 2. In order to compensate we’ve been starting one project up to the point where we need to buy something…and then move on to something else! It drives me absolutely crazy that we’re not finishing a project after we’ve started it but it’d drive me crazier not to have it done at all.

I'm like a dog. If you don't give me something to do you'd better crate me or I'm gonna start tearing stuff up.

And THAT’s why my kitchen floor doesn’t have tile any longer and is instead just a big, ugly concrete slab. And why there’s a brand new pantry resurrected by the fridge without anything in it (it lacks shelves) or any pretty moldings to hide the raw edges of wood. And why Abigail’s closet doesn’t have any clothes in it because the rods have been removed and the dividing wall smashed in. Or why all of the paneling in my bedroom has been ripped down to expose severely neglected sheetrock.

Oh man. We bought this house covered in paneling. With perfectly good sheetrock (by “severely neglected” I meant no paint and hundreds of pock marks from nails over time) beneath it. It’s like the guy bought sheetrock, decided he didn’t want the pressure of choosing paint colors, and just put paneling over it. Over EVERYTHING. The only rooms without paneling were Abigail’s room and the laundry room.

But I have found two different approaches to this problem.
1) Rip it down (he didn’t use adhesive just nails)
2) Spackle it

Wait. Spackle? Yes. I am if anything a person with compulsive ideas…most of them not working as I’d planned. So here’s the breakdown of how I went from “I want a pantry” to “I want a pantry but let’s save money by recycling paneling and by the way I hate that paneling so I’m going to make it look like sheetrock.”

1) I taped out the blueprint for my pantry and had Seth install the base before we put our new tile down. I was scared if we tiled and then tried to nail down the base we're have broken tiles. So of course I made Seth's work harder by forcing him to measure and cut tile to fit around the base instead of laying premade squares. He'll thank me later. Maybe. Anyway! We first had to remove the preexisting kitchen tile but we didn't want to damage it because we can use it for projects later (or perhaps donate it to a Habitat charity). We got the Spyder Reciprocating Saw Attachment Starter Kit to do the job. 

My review: Wonderful. 5/5 stars. Makes the job incredibly easy. It took us 30 minutes to get about 50 sq. ft. of tile up and we only damaged 3 of them. The grout remover wasn't all that great in my opinion because I couldn't control it and that is a precision kind of job. Seth struggled but got the grout of the first line of tiles out. After that we stopped using the grout remover and went to the scraper which made the job a breeze!

Be sure to wear a mask! It's amazing how much dust tile collects when it's been laid for 10+ years! Here's Seth sporting his "I don't want my lungs to turn black" mask and modeling his new baby: the Skil 9-Amp Variable Speed Corded Reciprocating Saw (we prefer corded tools because keeping up with a battery charge can be a pain). The saw works wonderfully by the way! Well worth the bank breaking investment of $59.97 ;D Don't forget your 10% discount (either military or using the postal office coupon tip I gave you earlier)! Also please don't judge me for painting what I could reach around the fridge...I knew we'd be pulling the fridge away later and I could finish. It is finished now =D

Stage 2: Laying down the base and tilting around it.

My fridge looked so lonely over there. And out of place. My OCD senses tingled the entire time it was out of place. And every morning my brain assumed some ass had broken in and stolen my fridge because I immediately noticed it was no longer in its designated place. 

Stage 3: Building the frame.

Sunny looks unimpressed! That middle 2x4 isn't just a random mistake by the way. I just happened to have the foresight of needing a bracer for the shelves. Nailing shelves that will someday hold heavy items (like my cans) is a terrible idea if your only anchor is the hollow space between walls! So now I have a good, sturdy 2x4 to anchor to. I rest easier knowing this.

Stage 4: More framing and shaping a doorway.

Doesn't Abigail look so helpful? 

Stage 5: Recycling paneling. Here's where it got thrifty! I immediately knew when we bought this place that I would be gradually replacing the paneling with sheetrock. Luckily the previous owner had saved me the trouble by already having sheetrock. But we didn't have the extra cash for sheetrock both inside and outside the pantry so for the outside we went and started ripping down the paneling in our bedroom and hauling it into the kitchen. Seth cut it to size and we nailed it up. And see what I meant about the neglected sheetrock? We need paint STAT.

Here's Abigail helping some more. By holding the measuring tape hostage.

Stage 6 + 7: Add a door. Seth and I bought a house with an excess of closets. Because of a (half assed) remodel by the previous owner our bedroom was combined with the adjoined guest bedroom to make one huge bedroom. But that left us with what I called "The Wall of Doors". Which had 5 doors. Half bath, closet, hallway, closet, closet. We built a master closet earlier (will have it's own special entry) so we didn't need any other closets. That's why Abigail's closet got merged with a closet meant for our bedroom. And why we had an extra door. Which we then recycled into a pantry door!

Spackle. I decided to experiment and use spackle to fill in the holes of our paneling. I will make an entry just for this process next. It's pretty easy...but it has both pros AND cons. Here's the "after spackle" and then a "painted with spackle" shot to tide you over. It really does look convincing!

I've since then painted the door Totally Teal (Gliden - Semi Gloss), spray painted the door knob oil-rubbed bronze to match our lighting and future cabinet hardwar, and added our base molding which is a gorgeous 4" craftsman model. I had to charge my camera battery but those images will be added soon. And today is the day I FINALLY get to install my shelves...so hopefully my next pantry update will be a more completed stage!  

Monday, January 9, 2012

Memein' Mondays

I’m mildly OCD. By OCD I actually mean “CDO” because you know…that’s the alphabetical order the letters go in. But seriously. It’s a mild case. My compulsions are mercifully limited only to things that get in my way instead of extending on to others. Just for fun here’s a small, incomplete list of my issues:

- I can’t leave a bathroom (or stall) until the toilet finishes flushing and refilling.
- I have to nod at every green light I drive under. Oddly…not when I’m just a passenger.
- I have to check that all doors are locked 3 times during the night (when Seth leaves, when I let the dogs out for the last time, and before I shut down for bed).
- I bow my head when I say hello.
- I use my blinker everywhere (even for the driveway) for fear of being seen as an asinine driver.

- I eat my foods one group at a time. If I move on to mashed potatoes before I finished my biscuit...then I'm not going to go back and finish my biscuit.

- I eat my M&Ms in order of color. Brown > Red > Yellow > Blue > Orange > Green (in order of my least to favorite M&M color). I get stressed out if I'm eating them from a bag where I can't do this.

Oh yeah. I also make lists. For. Everything. I operate better with things written down. It’s not that I’m afraid of forgetting…I just enjoy recording my plans for the day. I once went through a thing of Post-It notes in about 2 days. I make lists for meals, for crafts that I want to try, schedules that need to be followed, and for random measurements of things in the house. I even made a list for this blog about different topics I want to write about over time. I have you guys booked for about 2 solid months =D

But a friend of mine commented about my aspiration to start a blog by saying he would only read it if I posted memes.

MEMES [meem]: An Internet meme is an idea that is propagated through the World Wide Web. The idea may take the form of a hyperlink, video, picture, website, hashtag, or just a word or phrase, such as intentionally misspelling the word "more" as "moar" or "the" as "teh". The meme may spread from person to person via social networks, blogs, direct email, news sources, or other web-based services.” – Wikipedia

Basically a meme is the evolution of an inside joke. They usually have terrible grammar, perpetually use caps lock, contain enough typos to make spell check explode, and poke fun at life (typically sterotypes).  Or you can just remember it as being “that ridiculous picture that makes no sense but people find absolutely hilarious”. I’m one of those people! Just in case you’re one of them too here’s a little thing I’m going to start: Memein’ Mondays!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

How stuff gets done around here

I am pretty notorious for being restless. Chronic insomnia has plagued me since I was a little girl and over the years I’ve filled those hours of staring at the ceiling by imagining all the great and wonderful things I can create/destroy/recycle. I have designed a village. I have also come up with how to commit the perfect murder. Just sayin’.

Seriously. Don’t screw with me.

But back to the point! My younger brother has gotten to where he runs away and hides whenever I come to visit home. Because it never fails…I got some work for us to do! I am infamous for rooting through refrigerators and dumping out everything that has expired. The real kicker? I MAKE LISTS FOR THIS. I will literally write every single tossed item down and add when it expired beside it. Why? I have no idea…but I justify it as a preventative measure against the victim’s wrath. Who can be mad about having an empty fridge when I just documented how I saved their life by tossing out cheese that expired 12 years ago?

True story: I discovered once that my Mom had a suppository (unused of course) stashed in her fridge that had expired 8 years prior. She adamantly insisted that they never expired. But I argued that the date said otherwise and buried it under lots of nasty food trash so she wouldn’t go get it when my back turned. End of story.

So are you sensing a pattern? I like being busy (only when it’s convenient to me haha). By the time Seth gets a day off work I already have a list of chores activities for us to do. Like this past break when he’d just gotten off a 6 day work period of solely night shifts. He got home from work, slept about 4 hours, and I woke him up while eagerly exclaiming, “We should tile the dining room today! But we need to get started now if we want to finish before you go back to work.”   

Seth gives me this small look. Just a look. He doesn’t groan or give off any physical gestures of discontent. But in that small look I get this:

To which I respond by doing something like this:

That would be my “Hey ignore the brand new chore I’ve created for us and just enjoy this moment” dance. Or maybe it’s my “Come hither” dance.

I’m not sure. Could be both.

So that’s how work gets done around the Johnson house! I nag Seth and he somehow refrains from strangling me.

The tile looks beautiful by the way. I will document this process later!

10% off at Lowes

I’ve already had an introduction post today so I thought I’d put a quick little blurb (What the heck is a blurb anyway? It sounds like Blog’s 2nd cousin twice removed) to inform you guys how you can save some money at Lowes!

Note: This can’t apply to anyone who gets a military discount. Bummer right?

Step 1: Go to your local post office
Step 2: Inform them that you are moving (even if false) and you need a permanent change of address form
Step 3: They will hand you a packet. Snag it and dance gleefully.
Step 4: Rip it apart in the car. COUPONS GALORE!

Inside will be, among others, a 10% off coupon for your next purchase (not just “1 item” but your entire purchase) at Lowes. Unfortunately it can’t be combined with other coupons (that I’ve never found for Lowes myself) or discounts – such as Military – but it’s handy anyway! No exclusions on sale items either!

You can do this as many times as you want (there’s no fee for the packet) although I do recommend going to different postal offices if you’re getting more than one xD


Post #1

Well hello there! For those that don’t know my name is Emily (most commonly abbreviated to Emy) and I’m a 24 year old military wife. My husband’s name is Seth (most commonly abbreviated to “butthole”) and our 2 year old daughter is known as Abigail. At least…I hope she is. In my home town back in Tennessee there was an admittedly hilarious mix up with her name in my Grandma’s obituary where she was called “Abradale”. Yup. So now I’m pretty sure the town I was born and raised in is thoroughly convinced that my child has a terrible, non-traditional name.

That’s the last time I assume my Dad knows I’m kidding and is instead led to believe his poor grandchild has a bizarre name by the way. I made 100% sure he knew her real name after the paper was published. So hopefully that won’t happen again >_>;;


This is my blog! It’s not actually new and shiny…I’d been using it before. But the direction of my life has taken a sharp turn (AGAIN) and my interests have subsequently changed. So I deleted the 4 posts I made and decided to recycle this account in what I hope will be an informative and funny place.

A small breakdown about me
I am awkward. I have a potty mouth. I adore tiny things even if I never notice the same object in its normal size. I overuse emoticons (Example: xD and =D and <3). I have a cartoon addiction. I HATE the cold. I love animals in general but the only ones I keep are dogs (and the occasional fish). I develop a new interest in something about 2x a month. I RP [role play] online and play video games on a regular basis. I need to laugh every day. I am one of those people that has a hard time saying no. I am if anything a nice person to everyone I meet.    

So there’s a small breakdown!

Here’s hoping we have a great time together! I look forward to blogging with you <3